Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekend....and sickness

Since my last post my sore throat turned into an all-out cold/virus, so I’ve been congested and icky the last couple days, but managed to get some medicine and am doing a bit better now. Thursday night, I ended up meeting my friends Kristin and Olivia at the sangria bar we went to last week, to have a couple drinks and hang out a bit since none of us have classes on Friday (as our professor said, “In Paris the weekend starts on Thursday!”). It was nice just hanging out and catching up a bit, exchanging stories of awkward moments with the host family or concerning the many “faux-amis” (words in french that sound the same as english words, but that don’t actually mean the same thing, ex. If you say you are “excité” in french, you are not saying you are excited as in I am excited to be here, but rather sexually excited or horny…a common and often hilarious mistake) that get people into trouble. Friday, I didn’t do a whole lot during the day as I woke up feeling even more sick, so ventured out to the Pharmacie by my house and to grab a baguette for lunch before returning home to recover. I did manage to read a small book for my literature class that starts next week (you’re supposed to read the first book before the first class), and then watched some tv and napped pitifully in bed. That night, I had to get out of the house despite not feeling well, so I went over to Alex and Jen’s place to hang out. There was a little concert going on that I would have loved to go to, but I opted to stay at the house with Alex to watch the Sex and the City movie instead as we were both feeling under the weather (like all my friends are sick or getting sick right now, something’s going around). It ended up being a good night, I love that movie and it was nice just hanging out and relaxing for a bit. This morning, after camping out in McDonalds for a bit to use the free WiFi, I headed over to the Gare du Nord to get train tickets to Belgium; I’m going to Belgium next weekend with friends, Brussels and Bruges, so excited! Afterwards, I decided I was feeling well enough to meet up with my friend Olivia, and we took the metro to St. Denis and saw the Basilica, where there are the remains of french royalty. It was really cool exploring the crypt and seeing so many familiar names of such significant figures (the many Louis’, Marie Antoinette, etc.). Afterwards, we headed over to the Sainte Chapelle, where we gained free access using our “history of art” student passes that Sweet Briar gave us-sneaky. It was gorgeous! All the stained glass looked amazing, especially since we were there on a beautiful sunny day. We then went next door to the Conciergerie, used as a Prison during the revolution. Also very cool, and saw the cell where Marie Antoinette was kept. We then went on a walk throughout the city, with Olivia pointing out some sites important to the french revolution (she’s a major history buff), and then went on a quest to find ice cream that wasn’t rediculously priced. Eventually we ended up at a café we had visited before, characterized by cute little chocolate penguins in the window, awww. By that time it was around 6, so we went our separate ways on the metro to go home and rest a bit before dinner. And here I am! We’re planning to go to an Iranian place for dinner (our host family doesn’t feed us on Saturdays), which I will hopefully like….You guys would be proud though, since I’ve been here my host mom has made all kinds of food I’ve never had before, and I’ve tried and like all of it-even Mussels!!! Grandma, you should be very proud.  I even had a salad the other day that I actually liked…big news, I know. Alrighty then, off I go to get ready for dinner! A plus tard!

1 comment:

Bigstik said...

Hope you are feeling better, sounds like things are falling into, learning to speak french, cinema, don't push yourself too hard....just are there to have fun!