Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall in Paris

Hey there,
So life in Paris is continuing as usual, I am super happy because the weather has been perfect lately-the early stages of fall, and relatively warm and nice. I love the fresh air, and watching the leaves change in Paris, fall always was my favorite season. This week has been a typical week, just classes and random hanging out. Monday, I had my cinema class again; we are studying films by Jean Rouche, which are really interesting-he's a french guy that went to Africa and made a bunch of films, where he basically just followed Africans around in their daily lives, allowing them to create there own story. We've seen three so far, it's really interesting stuff, and was very controversial when it came out, with Europeans claiming it was too pro-Africa and Africans calling it racist. Monday night, I actually met up with Xavier, who had been trying to reach me for a couple days, and it never worked out. In any case, we ended up going to a cafe by my house, and just chatting and whatnot for a while. He is very into his motorcycle, and tried to convince me to go on a ride with him, but I refused, haha, maybe next time. He's a nice guy, I don't know if anything will come of it, as he is 24 (ack!) and might be a little too badass for me, but we'll see. It was nice to talk to him about Paris (where he has pretty much lived all his life), and France in general, I was surprised by some of the things he said. So yeah, it was a good time, and he said he would give me a call some time soon. Tuesday, I had my literature class again, which was alright, and I just spent time at Sweet Briar taking care of stuff online, as I've decided to study abroad in Spain spring semester, hooray! On tuesday, my host mom told me she was finally going to go to Fnac to get stuff for the internet, but it turns out the thing she wanted to get requires a phone line, which she no longer has because she just uses her cell phone. ARRRGHH, i was so annoyed, as now she says she doesn't know what to do, and I know she wont deal with it until she has her days off, so another week. Alas, I am still without internet at my house, which is killing me-I have so much stuff going on that I need to take care of, for next semester, class, travel plans, and just keeping up with everyone in general. Anyways, that night I went over to Alex and Jen's house, to hang out and use their Wifi, which was cool-it's good to see them, as I often don't see Jen much during the week, plus I got to watch an episode of the Office (which Alex has on DVD), yay. Wednesday (yesterday), I had art history, which was pretty good as usual, again i really enjoyed the Louvre visit where we looked at paintings. Afterwards, I called my friend Olivia to meet up to get a drink or something, as i didn't feel like going home yet, so we went and found a little cafe and sat outside, enjoying the beauty that is Paris at night. Today, I had my atelier class, always good, and then headed over to the Museum of Paris (Musee Carnavalet), as she is a history geek and likes that kind of stuff, so she took me on a little tour. It was really cool, especially with all the stuff concerning the French Revolution, which I studied at Kenyon. Afterwards, I went to MacDO, where I am now, to use the internet and plan out the trip to ITALY, yayyy, which I am leaving for tomorrow...Florence and Pisa, so excited. Tonight, some friends and I are planning to head to "Le Mix", where we tried to go to last week, this time we know to be early :). It should be really fun, my first dance club in Paris, yay! So yeah, I'm busy as usual, and am so excited to head to italy tomorrow-hopefully everything will go smoothly, as we are planning on spending a night in Florence and a night in Pisa, which involves lots of various modes of transportation. Alrighty then, my computer is dying so that means it's time to go. Love you all, Happy day-after-your-birthday Mom, and will post again when I get back from Italy!

1 comment:

Bigstik said...


Wow Florence and Pisa. I don't know what they are like now, but I can remember as a kid really enjoying those two cities. I don't know if you can still climb the leaning tower, we did. Anyway, have fun!