Thursday, December 4, 2008

Stress galore, mais Paris je t'aime toujours

Hey everybody!
So just to give an update, all is well, and I'm working my butt off, or at least trying to. This week I was dealing with all the application stuff, I now have everything in, except my transcript (which kenyon said they sent off Nov.19) still hasn't arrived, and my teacher for the language proficiency report filled out the wrong thing, so she has another page she needs to fill out. I emailed her and asked her to do it, and she said she would "try", and I have heard nothing since, arghhh. I so hope she gets it done, then my application will finally be complete. I talked to the University of Kansas lady, though, and she's like the nicest person in the world-so patient and helpful. She made it sound like it was all going to work out, and kept saying how she was so happy that I was applying. So yeah, hopefully it will all work out, I will have a big party once I finally find out if I get in :). Other than that, I've been waiting on professors to give me approval for my final papers and such, so I spent the first few days this week just being frustrated, waiting around for email responses. I just checked my e-mail though and got approval, so I can really start to get stuff done, which will greatly reduce my stress level. My days this week were basically just filled with me going to various libraries in Paris, doing research and whatnot, ick, but it's all good. Tuesday I went to Kristin's for a bit with Olivia and we watched some Harry Potter in french, always fun, haha.
Last night was actually a really sad night at my house, though. My host mom has been working a LOT lately, and is also pretty sick-she can't even sleep she's coughing so much. So basically last night she had a little breakdown, and I could hear her crying :(. she called her son and was talking to him, while i sat in my room akwardly not really knowing what to do. Once she got off the phone though I went and asked if she was okay, which she said she was, and I told her if she ever needed help or anything she could always ask me. She thanked me, tearfully, and said I was adorable, and then I felt akward again and went back to my room. Like a minute later she came back in crying, and I got up and we just hugged for a while, she's having such a hard time-I felt so bad...I think it made her feel a little better though...This morning she left early for work and doesn't get back til late, so I went and bought her some pretty flowers, and left her a little note, hopefully that will lift her spirits a bit. But yes, so my host mom isn't doing so good, I really like her and just feel so bad for her-she's so sick and is working way too much; fortunately her kids live close by, so with my and their help hopefully she'll get her spirits back up soon.
On a lighter note, I'm going to Strasbourg (France) tomorrow with Kristin! Our train leaves at like 6 in the morning, which is gonna be intense, and then we are spending the night there, and leaving Saturday evening. It will be so nice to go do something fun after this stressful couple of days; it's supposed to be such a beautiful city, and I can't wait to see the Christmas Market and the beautiful cathedral. I'm so excited! Also, tonight I'm going to another concert, this time with Xavier. It's Frightened Rabbit again, opening for Department of Eagles-should be really great, two alt/indie bands, and I haven't seen Xavier in a while so it will be nice to catch up. So yea, life is good here, just working hard with really fun and exciting stuff mixed in a bit sporadically. I will post again and tell you about my weekend, love you all!


Bigstik said...


Hi. Sounds like things are coming together, I have no doubt you will get in at Kansas. Tell the counselor your dad grew up in Lawrence and you GFather was a dean there......He still has lots of friends there....Mention Jim Seaver and Marilyn Stocksted....English History Department.....Can't hurt...

I remember as a kid walking through the red light district with my family and about weird...I think I told you that story...


Aunt Sandy said...

We've no doubt that, as your Dad says, the history and karma from KU will prevail. I'm so positive that I bought your Christmas presents with an eye towards Spain(not that I know much about it). Good luck with the rest of the finals and enjoy Strasbourg. It will probably be beautiful. I;m sure that your host will be tres sad to see you go but over here everyone will be thrilled to see you.

We had our first snow here- a dusting over night so it is beginning to feel like Christmas plus the walks aroung NYC are inspiring at this time of year.
Aunt Sandy